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Leeds Chinese Community Association Ltd has continued to play a significant role in meeting the health and social needs of local communities, particularly those of Chinese origin over the past year.

I would firstly like to accord a heartfelt gratitude to all Directors and the Centre Manager for their commitment and devotion throughout the last year. I sincerely hope that more people can join the LCCA Ltd's Management board to enable the organisation to make greater progress in the future.

I would also like to thank all volunteers for your hard work, members for your valuable support, Leeds City Council and other funding organisations for their financial aid.


Partnership working remains the main focus of LCCA Ltd's work. For example, we have built an effective working relationship with the Leeds Chinese Women's Group and the Leeds Social Services to jointly run the Chinese Elderly Luncheon Club. The launch for the new social club is planned for the end of this year. We have worked with Touchstone to develop a Healthier Eating Project, which will run for the second year for our communities.

LCCA Ltd endured to be at the front line in promoting a greater understanding of Chinese cluture and community cohesion in the city of Leeds.

In the 2004 Chinese New Years celebration, we invited an art group from China to put on a magnificent show alongside performances from local Chinese schools and local artists. This autumn, LCCA Ltd was a one of the key organisations in coordinating the Leeds China Week. We hosted a Chinese Business Banquet for the first time and provided a unique opportunity for representative of Leeds business community to network with those from our twin city: Hang Zhou.

In order to grow into a financially stable non-profit organisation, LCCA Ltd Board and the Centre Manager has explored a variety of funding streams including local government grants, charitable trusts and commercial and individual contributions. However, despite the enormous effort put into planning and fun raising, LCCA Ltd has not yet managed to secure long term core funding. I hope that in the near future, LCCA Ltd can overcome this major obstacle in order to sustain LCCA Ltd's service to the local communities.

The survival of the LCCA Ltd not only depends on the financial support but also on your involvement. I urge those who are passionate in building a healthier, stronger and more unified locality to actively participate in the future development of our community organization.


David LEE

Chairman LCCA











